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 King of Beasts

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King of Beasts Empty
PostSubject: King of Beasts   King of Beasts Icon_minitime27th October 2013, 3:44 pm

Curse Seal of Purgatory - 1000 Word Training.


King was punching a sandbag in the middle of the Hokkai housing district, he was using it to brush up on his combos as he was trying to create a distinct fighting style revolving around some western sport called boxing. He had stumbled upon it in the Ibaragakure library and it had seemed interesting enough being a style which revolves solely on upper body strength. He found it very odd and had picked up additional books on various boxing styles and while he was going over some of the combinations he thought back on what he had read.

Boxing was originally nothing more than bare fist fighting between two willing and sometimes unwilling competitors. As a sport, fighting has been around for thousands of years where it first arose in parts of West Continent and original continent where the current day shinobi's ancestors, ancestors had fled from the events of the fifth shinobi war. This of course was before they spread to the Land of Beginnings adn settled down trying to establish a new way of life. The ancient peoples, who held the belief that fighting was a game played by the various Kami which governed the world, made fighting a part of regular school curriculum as a way to entertain yet train youth in case of war.

The Ancients had a keen interest in the sport and fighting soon became a common spectator sport. In order for the fighters to protect themselves against their opponents they wrapped leather thongs around their fists. Eventually harder leather was used and the thong soon became a weapon. The Ancients even introduced metal studs to the thongs to make the cestus which then led to a more sinister weapon called the myrmex (‘limb piercer’).Fighting events were held in large coliseums one of which apparently still exists in Kaosgakure according to one of the books. The Ancient form of boxing was often a fight until death to please the spectators who gathered at such events. Often slaves were used against one another in a circle marked on the floor. This is where the term ring came from. However during the later stages of the migration due to death rates being already high due to the vicious creatures in the new land, boxing was abolished due to excessive brutality.

Early fighting had no written rules. There were no weight divisions or round limits, and no referee. In general, it was extremely chaotic. The first boxing rules, called the Lee rules, were introduced by champion Might Lee sometime around the time of the creation of hidden villages to protect fighters in the ring where deaths sometimes occurred. Under these rules, if a man went down and could not continue after a count of 30 seconds, the fight was over. Hitting a downed fighter and grasping below the waist were prohibited. Lee also invented and encouraged the use of "mufflers", a form of padded gloves, which were used in training and exhibitions. The first paper on boxing was published in the Land of the Forsaken during the time of the 1st Tetakage. The paper was actually a single page that entailed a system of headbutting, punching, eye gouging, chokes, and hard throws not common in modern Boxing. Lee's students would later add the techniques described in his paper to their own fighting style.

These rules did allow the fighters an advantage not enjoyed by today's boxers; they permitted the fighter to drop to one knee to begin a 30-second count at any time. Thus a fighter realizing he was in trouble had an opportunity to recover. However, this was considered "unmanly" and was frequently disallowed by "official" and prize winning bouts. Intentionally going down in modern boxing will cause the recovering fighter to lose points in the scoring system something which was only added once civilians took over the boxing genre as shinobi found hybrid Taijutsu to be far more effective. Furthermore, as the contestants did not have heavy leather gloves and wrist wraps to protect their hands, they used different punching technique to preserve their hands because the head was a common target to hit full out as almost all period manuals have powerful straight punches with the whole body behind them to the face (including forehead) as the basic blows. This of course would prove to be very painful considering the skull is a rather thick bone while the numerous bones in the hands are easily broken when they come into direct impact against a dense object.

It was a rather informative article and he would continue punching the sandbag before activating the first stage of his curse seal noting that other than the physical change to his skin due to the grid like patterns he felt no increase. Then again he had been told it had something to do with Nen and he had yet to merge with Wolf and utilize their secret technique to harness it, regardless he wanted to impress her so he concentrated on using his newly gained technique. After more training he felt as if a weight was lifted and he eased into the second stage of the curse seal noting the drastic increase in strength and the modifications done to his body.

This form seemed to prefer aquatic combat however he wasn't hampered at all on land, that was pretty nice since it meant he would be able to fight while immersed under water he'd definitely have a use for that as underwater training built up far more muscle than on land due to water being much denser than air. It was during this realization that he noticed he had reached a sort of "wall" which was weird it was as if his Curse Seal wanted to grow more powerful, like it's fully strength hadn't been realized yet. He couldn't have that, he needed all the strength he could get and so he pressed on punching and punching before his body rippled and caused the sand bag to explode with a powerful punch.

The sand would fly everywhere and when it cleared King was left standing tall his body coated in scales and his muscles increasing he would flex and like this new strength now he had a way of forcing his body to become stronger without the use of gates. Sure he knew it had drawbacks the time lag and the harsh effect when he rain out of stamina but it was still a very useful technique if he managed himself well, not to mention he wondered how it would affect Wolf if the two of them were combined and he went into it. It would be interesting to see her reaction when he showed her perhaps rouge sex again, that was always fun.

Training Complete
Word Count: 1119
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King of Beasts Empty
PostSubject: Re: King of Beasts   King of Beasts Icon_minitime27th October 2013, 5:30 pm

^ Using the 119 Words from the Curse Seal Training to pick up this D-rank

Bulk Training - 5 Below
200 Words
400 Words x 2
800 Words x 2


King was currently brushing up on his knowledge of the Eight Gates as he was one to first fully understand a technique before he even began to try and train it. Honestly if not for Wolf he wouldn't of even explored this method of combat however as a child he foolishly stated if she couldn't use an element then he would be the best damn non-elemental shinobi in the world..ah being young and stupid sure was a drag. It took him back to how he first learned about the technique or rather first learned about it from Wolf who had taken to reading in the language that he spoke in considering she had lived with him almost her whole life. She had stumbled upon a line of techniques which were considered forbidden due to their severe drawbacks however she had kept reading out of sheer curiosity.

She had found out that the Eight Gates are eight specific points on a person's Chakra Pathway System which limit the overall flow of chakra within a person's body. The basis for the idea of the chakra gates comes from the body's limits on the functions within it. This makes the body much weaker, but it keeps the body from expiring too soon. By undergoing intense training, one can learn how to open these gates allowing the user to surpass their own physical limits at the cost of extreme damage to their own body. Though this had caught her interest it was the result of opening all Eight Gates which had caused her to stay glued to the text, considering what it had entailed. The state of having all Eight Gates open is known as "Eight Gates Released Formation". Any shinobi who activates this state will temporarily gain powers greater than a Kage, but they will die because of the damage done to their body shortly after their gate time limit runs out. Due to the immense amount of chakra flooding the body all at once, drastic changes can occur upon the user's body. The most common of these changes are the darkening of the skin, eruption of veins around the temples, the eyes turning completely white. The green aura surrounding the user could be easily mistaken as chakra but in actuality is merely sweat which rapidly evaporates due to the intense rise in body temperature of the user.

Immediately upon seeing this she had practically dragged King out of bed to fish out more texts surrounding the Eight Gates, how to preform it, the drawbacks and the techniques which required gates to be opened to either use effectively or to even be used at all. She was on the premise that she could reverse engineer the technique and use it to unlock her own latent power, the power than all Zinogre possessed, the Stygian Mode. If King had known backed then what Wolf had been trying to do he would of screamed and stopped her but luckily for her he was clueless and got her the information and after brutal conditioning of her body was able to unlock the first of the gates, the Gate of Opening right when King was about to graduate from the academy. The only people present were Wolf and King's mother the latter of which was shocked as she had initially thought Wolf was in danger due to the explosion of power which she had mistook for the actual Stygian Mode. However when Wolf returned back to normal albeit weakened considerably and managed to explain what she had done his mother immediately reported to the clan what her son's Alpha pet had managed to obtain.

King had gotten home from the Academy with his new forehead protector and was immediately thrust into brutal training as his mother knew that if he was able to harness the gates along with Wolf and the two of them merged while doing that the amount of power they could reach would be something fearsome and worthy of being the head of the Hokkai Clan. King didn't mind other than the training regiment although he and Wolf had a row when he found out what she had wanted to accomplish as she could of failed and ended up dying. This was around the time that King had realized he was starting to develop feelings for her, something most would consider to be wrong however Hokkai share a deeper understanding of their animal partners. Wolf surprisingly agreed to the relationship as she had always felt like eventually she would be replaced by some random bitch who hadn't going through life with King and was now only important because he was getting laid. The relationship was initially hush hush but considering his branch had new innovations in techniques which allowed a pet to assume a human form which didn't dispel unless they were knocked unconscious named the Beast Human Clone the two of them were accepted as long as Wolf appeared human when they went on dates outside of the clan compound.

About a month after that Wolf was able to obtain her second gate while King was able to unlock the first however he had customized the technique in his own way to minimize the power he obtained from unlocking the gates in exchange for a much longer duration time. It was something he figured he could get away with and by combining with Wolf he would be able to have his duration with her power thus inventing the line of techniques which revolved around their combined state. This was around the time Wolf had named her Eight Gates, the Eight Gates of the Wolf prompting King to name his the Eight Gates of the King and the combination the Eight Gates of the Wolf King, both of them embracing the dual meaning of the names they were given. This incidentally was also how he got his nickname Wolf King because of his powerful combinations with Wolf and their gate usage while merged together. The following month after that Wolf had managed to unlock her third gate while he unlocked his second and they were able to finally manage to figure out how to trigger their first combined gate.

This combination was different apparently due to them combining less strain was put on Wolf and she was able to allow them the usage of Nen while in that Gated State, however the strain from ending the technique was extremely severe so they decided to not use it unless completely necessary. Within the next couple of months leading to the chunin exams due to King's Jonin sensei holding his team back before taking the exams the two of them had managed to unlock in Wolf's case up to the Gate of View while in King's Case up to the Gate of View as well having caught up since Wolf had expressed an interest in learning a sort of combat style so that she would be more maneuverable in combat. Not to mention when she was human it would give her her own unique fighting style which would make her just as lethal as if she was in her natural form something she had wanted to learn how to do from very early on. It was mainly so she could be with King in public and take missions with him under the guise of a normal shinobi.

Of course it was completely legal thanks to Hokkai Pets gaining forehead protectors so she wasn't noticed as being his pet when they decided to test out this method of exposure once King became a T. Jonin, and till date only the Kage and the members of his clan actually know Wolf is his pet. Pretty crafty but a useful disguise so they could be together without judgement. During this time they had researched the gates more thoroughly so that they could learn how to harness the Eight Gates of the Wolf King and learn to offset the drawbacks of it. They did however find that if they separated after using those specific type of gates then the drawbacks were as if they had both used their respective gates something which they decided was a suitable counter to the intense strain put on their respective bodies. Likewise it was around then when Wolf began to study anatomy realizing that she wished to become a Combat Medical Ninja so that she could learn how to heal the damage her and King's body took after releasing the gates. It was a smart idea and King knew she had the intelligence and chakra control for it so he supported her however seeing as they were both currently T. Jonin he knew it would take a while for her dream to become reality.

Once she had researched enough she got much deeper into the mechanics of the Eight Gates such as learning their locations and how each triggered and why each affected the body in its specific way. King remembered her reciting each of the gates and listing their effects so much that it actually had ended up sticking in his head as well much to his dismay. He realized later on that it was good knowledge to have and he figured when he became a Jonin Sensei he would be able to teach one of his students how to harness the gates while explaining how it was possible rather than how him and Wolf had to suffer through trial and error to learn how to open the gates as the information concerning them wasn't very detailed. It lead to another goal of King's he wished to write down techniques so that his offspring and descendants could learn from him writings and build upon them sort of like a legacy similar to how he had seen the clan heir, Kazuhira and his family line having things only they knew.

As he wrote he spoke mainly from memory listing the gates, locations and the effects for opening them. The First Gate was known as The Gate of Opening and is located in the left hemisphere of the brain. This gate removes the restraints of the brain on the muscles so 100% of their strength can be used whereas normally, a person can only use 20% of their muscles' strength to keep them from disintegrating. The Second Gate was known as The Gate of Healing and is located in the right hemisphere of the brain. This gate forcibly increases one's physical strength and temporarily re-energizes the body causing the user to even possibly ignore the damage dealt to them as their body feels like it has never been stronger. The Third Gate was known as The Gate of Life and is located right below the throat on the user's spinal cord and causes an increase to the user's blood flow causing their skin to turn red. The Fourth Gate was known as The Gate of Pain and is located on the spinal cord in the upper back and further increases the user's speed and power at the cost of the user's muscles beginning to tear to shreds. The Fifth Gate was known as The Gate of Limit and is located in the abdomen and increases the user's speed and power even further however with no visible signs of added stress unlike it's predecessor. The Sixth Gate was known at The Gate of View and is located in the Stomach and further increases the user's speed and power with chakra being released from the user's body causing nearby liquids to actually begin to spiral in vortexes around the user's body. The Seventh Gate which is where most stop learning this technique was known as The Gate of Wonder and is located below the stomach and further increases the user's speed and power with the additional effect of Those who open this gate will pour glowing green sweat from every inch of their body, which immediately evaporates from their own heat energy, creating an aura which people would mistake as a chakra coating. Unfortunately, the side effects of opening the gate after the gate's time limit runs out are that the user's muscle fibers are ripped to shreds, causing intense pain if anything or anyone touches them unless they are treated.

The Eight Gate, is the most powerful one and the boosts it grants are far more drastic than any of it's predecessors hence why was known as The Gate of Death a dual meaning to the name due to the Death of the user and the resultant deaths caused by the user before they meet their own end. Releasing this gate actually uses up all the energy in the body and it is located on the user's heart. It makes it pump at maximum power and the green sweat becomes a deep red as blood get's mixed in with the sweat and evaporate off of the user's body. It grants them overwhelming power however once the gates ran out the user's death followed immediately after and this was the reason most didn't even bother learning it for fear of their own life. However Wolf wouldn't have that she understood that one day they might need that extra strength as like all Zinogre it she understood the necessity of using Stygian Mode to protect yourself and your loved ones if their was no other option, to that end she was already preparing in advance to harness her own Eighth Gate knowing that releasing it would inadvertently trigger her Stygian Mode.

For that purpose King and Wolf had both agreed to never use their respective Gates of Death when they were separate only using it when they were together so at the very least they would be able to both survive longer and at the end die together. It was something they both agreed on, life would be to difficult to go on without the other as they had been part of each others lives since childhood and despite it being horrible that they loved each other that much that they wouldn't be able to continue living it was just how it was. It wasn't a bad thing, nor was it a good thing but it was a respectable reason even if they didn't care about needing to justify it to the world. Their love after all was their own and nothing would get in it's way, and because of that love their pack bond was extremely strong possibly the strongest bond between a Hokkai & their animal partner ever, as not even the great Hinata had such a deep connection with her animal partner as King has with Wolf.

Hmm...I think I should stop trailing down memory lane, after all I don't want to keep Wolf waiting for our date, otherwise she'll get all pissed off and I'll have to sleep in the cold again. King said snapping himself out of his deep reminiscence and stretching his body not realizing he had been thinking for a good while about half an hour passing without him even realizing it, though he was happy, his exploits with Wolf were noteworthy and he knew they would only get stronger as the continued to move forward without pause. He would walk out of the Hokkai training grounds heading to the living quarters were he and Wolf stayed before smiling as he saw her in the distance in her human form playing with some of the younger animals in the clan. He always admired that about her treating the other animals in the clan as her own immediate family, perhaps it was because she knew that they could never have children due to them being to far apart from the same gene pool. But then again with chakra, intelligence and imagination it could be possible in the future..sometimes he wondered honestly was that the real reason she wanted to be a medical nin in the first place..crafty girl.

Training Complete
Word Count: 2278
C-rank 200
B-rank 400
B-rank 400
A-rank 800
A-rank 800
Total Needed: 2600
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King of Beasts Empty
PostSubject: Re: King of Beasts   King of Beasts Icon_minitime27th October 2013, 5:33 pm

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King of Beasts Empty
PostSubject: Re: King of Beasts   King of Beasts Icon_minitime9th December 2013, 4:24 pm

Name: Titanic Fist
Classification: Fighting Style
Rank: D-rank
Class: Offensive
Range: Short

Description: A rather simple style consisting of major usage of the fists with minor usage of the legs, similar to modern day Boxing in almost every sense. Following his own personal beliefs, King's mentor Kyoujin shows a boxing style similar to a Boxer-puncher and a Brawler, making him capable of enough movement to dodge and release enough force behind his punches that he can knock-out other people. King has refined this style to be more accurate so that he could blend it with his Lupine Fist and as such blows to the head will knock out someone with defense 1-rank lower than his strength tier, blows to the stomach will knock out opponents with defense 2-ranks lower than his strength tier and blows to the other parts of the body will induce a pain numbing effect to the body part hit softening them up for additional blows by the Titanic, Lupine or Howling Fist style. This style can likewise be used to kill opponents similar to his mentor's fighting style with 2-ranks lower of defense to the body part hit being enough to kill the victim hit by one of his punches. His stance in this Style is Orthodox.

Name: Lupine Fist
Classification: Fighting Style
Rank: D-rank
Class: Supplementary
Range: Short

Description: If the Titanic Fist is similar to the modern boxer, Lupine Fist is similar to the classic boxer being more free flowing and a lot more brutal with King's hands rather than being held in fists are held loosely curved but held as if he was to slap someones face. His muscles are less tense and freer in this form which is less focused on overwhelming power like Titanic Fist and rather unpredictable strikes which catch an opponent off guard and batter their defenses with repeated barrages. Lupine Fist is unable to be predicted by anything short of Muscle Tension as only All Taijutsu users are able to see the skill behind this versatile fighting style. When opponents are hit by Lupine Fist if it is met by a defense it becomes propelled backward while cracking slightly from the force of the strike. This all depends on his strength tiers with him repeatedly punching structures multiple times to crack and eventually shatter them, it takes the number of strikes within a combination jutsu to bring down a defense when using lower strength tiers than the defensive structures rank. For Example 6 D-rank strength punches of the Lupine Fist will shatter a C-rank defensive structure. His stance in this Style is South-Paw. The Knock back increases with his rank starting at 5 feet and increasing by 5 with each rank up starting at genin.
Current Knock Back = 15 feet.


King was thinking about his past encounters mainly with fighting, he loved boxing it was...his life to some degree, honestly the only thing he loved more was the Hokkai clan and more than that was of course Wolf. But boxing..boxing was his passion and he knew even if he didn't become the most powerful shinobi he could always retire one day and become a boxer using his skills to earn him some money that way. He would look at the small book which he had picked up on boxing styles and the like and would begin to read it...hopefully he could learn something new. His eyes would rest on something called boxing stances and fighting styles which he began to read earnestly seeking more information on his favorite combat style.

The swarmer (also crowder, in-fighter) is a fighter who attempts to overwhelm his opponent by applying constant pressure. Swarmers tend to have a very good bob and weave, good power, a good chin, and a tremendous punch output (resulting in a great need for stamina and conditioning). Boxers who use the swarmer style tend to have shorter careers than boxers of other styles. Sustainining the adequate amount of training required to execute this style is nearly impossible throughout an entire career, so most swarmers can only maintain it for a relatively brief period of time. This inevitably leads to the gradual degradation of the sheer ability to perform the style, leaving him open to increasing amounts of punishment. This style favors closing inside an opponent, overwhelming them with intensity and flurries of hooks and uppercuts. They tend to be fast on their feet which can make them difficult to evade for a slower fighter. They also tend to have a good "chin" because this style usually involves being hit with many jabs before they can maneuver inside where they are more effective. Many swarmers are often either shorter fighters or fighters with shorter reaches, especially in the heavier classes, that have to get in close to be effective.

The out-boxer (also out-fighter, pure boxer, boxer) is the opposite of the swarmer. The out-boxer seeks to maintain a gap from their opponent and fight with faster, longer range punches. Out-boxers are known for being extremely quick on their feet, which often makes up for a lack of power. Since they rely on the weaker jabs and straights (as opposed to hooks and uppercuts), they tend to win by points decisions rather than by knockout, although some out-boxers can be aggressive and effective punchers. If the out-boxer represents everything classy about boxing, the slugger (also brawler) often stands for everything that's brutal in the sport. A lot of sluggers tend to lack finesse in the ring, but make up for it in raw power, often able to knock almost any opponent out with a single punch. This ability makes them exciting to watch, and their fights unpredictable. Most sluggers lack mobility in the ring and may have difficulty pursuing fighters who are fast on their feet. They usually throw harder, slower punches than swarmers or boxers and tend to ignore combination punching. Sluggers often will throw predictable punching patterns (single punches with obvious leads) often leaves them open for counterpunching.

The last category 'boxer-puncher' is a hybrid style used to describe fighters who possess good all-around boxing/punching skills and capabilities. They possess the technical skill and grace of an out-boxer and also the devastating power of a slugger. Boxer-punchers usually do well against out-boxers, especially if they can match their speed and mobility. Their only downfall are the big sluggers because once again, it only takes one punch and the lights are out. This would depend the boxer-puncher's defense, chin, and mobility. They make for interesting fights and throw a sense of the unknown into some. Where a boxer-puncher is matched up against an out-boxer, the fight is great because depending on the style the boxer-puncher tries to use in the fight. Counterpuncher-a sub-category where a boxer decides to utilize techniques that require the opposing boxer to make a mistake, and then capitalizing on that mistake. Lone jabs of the opposing fighter that miss are often met with swift jabs or quick combinations. For these reasons this form of boxing balances defense and offense but can lead to severe damage if the boxer who utilizes this technique has bad reflexes or isn't quick enough. While swarmers do sometimes counterpunch, it normally doesn't fit in with their more aggressive crowding tactics.

He decided he wouldn't simply choose one but rather create his own unique fighting styles which utilized each of them making his own fighting style something similar to a Boxer-Puncher. He figured he could mesh the Out-Fighter with the Counter Puncher while having the In-Fighter mixed with the Slugger finally a mix of a Slugger the first being orthodox while the second being south paw. He realized he would like a pure Boxer-Puncher for a final style which perfectly blended all three with the use of chakra and his gates with a free form stance shifting effortlessly from south-paw to orthodox with ease to startle and keep his opponents from predicting him. However as he flipped the page he became aware of more techniques which he found interesting of course he had already checked out the defensive maneuvers but he hadn't read up all about the various punching style and their effects and execution, perhaps he could be enlightened on them a bit more. He knew there were four main punches in boxing and the mastery of them was crucial to being a successful boxer.

The Jab is a quick, straight punch thrown with the lead hand from the guard position. The jab is accompanied by a small, clockwise rotation of the torso and hips, while the fist rotates 90 degrees, becoming horizontal upon impact. As the punch reaches full extension, the lead shoulder is brought up to guard the chin. The rear hand remains next to the face to guard the jaw. After making contact with the target, the lead hand is retracted quickly to resume a guard position in front of the face. The jab is the most important punch in a boxer's arsenal because it provides a fair amount of its own cover and it leaves the least amount of space for a counterpunch from the opponent. It has the longest reach of any punch and does not require commitment or large weight transfers. Due to its relatively weak power, the jab is often used as a tool to gauge distances, probe an opponent's defenses, and set up heavier, more powerful punches. A half-step may be added, moving the entire body into the punch, for additional power. Despite its lack of raw power however, the jab is often considered to be the most important punch in boxing, usable not only for attack but also defense, as a good quick, stiff jab can interrupt a much more powerful punch, such as a hook or uppercut. This was Xander's favorite as he saw the combat potential of it and he knew he needed to learn that first before anything else.

The Cross which was also known as the Straight is powerful straight punch thrown with the rear hand. From the guard position, the rear hand is thrown from the chin, crossing the body and traveling towards the target in a straight line. The rear shoulder is thrust forward and finishes just touching the outside of the chin. At the same time, the lead hand is retracted and tucked against the face to protect the inside of the chin. For additional power, the torso and hips are rotated counter-clockwise as the cross is thrown. Weight is also transferred from the rear foot to the lead foot, resulting in the rear heel turning outwards as it acts as a fulcrum for the transfer of weight. Body rotation and the sudden weight transfer is what gives the cross its power. Like the jab, a half-step forward may be added. After the cross is thrown, the hand is retracted quickly and the guard position resumed. It can be used to counterpunch a jab, aiming for the opponent's head (or a counter to a cross aimed at the body) or to set up a hook. The cross can also follow a jab, creating the classic "one-two combo." The cross is also called a "straight" or "right." The cross has been widely disputed as one of the most powerful, if not the single most powerful punch in the boxer's arsenal. His least favorite but he understood that he needed to learn it regardless, after all it's power couldn't possibly be ignored as often it was the follow up to the quick jab.

The Hook is semi-circular punch thrown with the lead hand to the side of the opponent's head. From the guard position, the elbow is drawn back with a horizontal fist (knuckles pointing forward) and the elbow bent. The rear hand is tucked firmly against the jaw to protect the chin. The torso and hips are rotated clockwise, propelling the fist through a tight, clockwise arc across the front of the body and connecting with the target. At the same time, the lead foot pivots clockwise, turning the left heel outwards. Upon contact, the hook's circular path ends abruptly and the lead hand is pulled quickly back into the guard position. A hook may also target the lower body (the classic Land of Decay hook to the liver) and this technique is sometimes called the "rip" to distinguish it from the conventional hook to the head. The hook may also be thrown with the rear hand.

Finally the Uppercut a vertical, rising punch thrown with the rear hand. From the guard position, the torso shifts slightly to the right, the rear hand drops below the level of the opponent's chest and the knees are bent slightly. From this position, the rear hand is thrust upwards in a rising arc towards the opponent's chin or torso. At the same time, the knees push upwards quickly and the torso and hips rotate counter-clockwise and the rear heel turns outward, mimicking the body movement of the cross. The strategic utility of the uppercut depends on its ability to "lift" the opponent's body, setting it off-balance for successive attacks. The right uppercut followed by a left hook is a powerful combination that he was sure to employ some time in the future after all now that he learned of them the sky...was the limit.

Then again famous words hit him for some reason he was sure he had read this somewhere about the powerful taijutsu specialist Might Lee. Might Lee was a right hander, but also a southpaw. His belief was that the strong side should be in front as a streetfighter, as in a "real" (street) fight there is no jumping about, and the fight will be over in seconds. Thus, one must react at close and directly. In addition, because streetfighting has no rules, the strong hand is close to clawing the eyes, grabbing the hair, ears and cheek. The strong leg could hit the groin or the knee. Furthermore, having the strong side up front poses an advantage for taking down one's opponent. Might Lee did not believe in different fighting styles. He believed in: "Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own." Since Might Lee had long since turned into King's idol he needed to adapt what he could and cast out what he didn't need, that would be his fighting style and as much as he loved boxing he understood it's limitations so he needed to develop techniques which would allow him to completely offset those disadvantages with his skill.

Shit..I'm late Wolf is going to kill me I was supposed to make dinner today..shit shit shit...this is why I need to read this at home rather than lurk in the dojo all day. King said snapping out of his trance, he loved reading about boxing it wasn't his fault but much as he loved her, obviously didn't see it the same way. Then again she was always taken with kick boxing something about the use of her hind legs in such a way she thought it was impossible to do so before, perhaps if he could just learn that technique..well considering he still had some Gates left to learn he didn't think it would be possible just yet. But the future was bright so who knows maybe he would be able to learn that clone technique and she would be able to learn how to fight like a human, it would give them a useful change in tactics as her body as lovely as it was sometimes was just a bit too big for close combat fights, though he would never say that out loud...not after that last time.

Total Word Count
D x 3 = 300
C x 1 = 200
B x 4 = 1600
Total = 2100

Training Complete.
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Age : 33
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King of Beasts Empty
PostSubject: Re: King of Beasts   King of Beasts Icon_minitime9th December 2013, 4:45 pm

Le proved
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King of Beasts Empty
PostSubject: Re: King of Beasts   King of Beasts Icon_minitime21st April 2014, 6:11 pm

Name: Eight Gates of the King - Gate of Death
Classification: Kinjutsu
Rank: S-rank
Class: Offensive/Supplementary
Range: Self

Description: This is King's unique spin on the common technique and he has refined his usage of the Eight Gates to increase the duration at the sacrifice of the raw power the gates bring, mainly because of how he uses them. The user opens the last of the Eight Gates which causes them to receive SS-rank strength, speed and Defense. It makes the heart pump at maximum power and exceeds the power of every other gate, the green aura that surrounded their body in the Seventh Gate turns a blood red as the user's body is torn up by the technique mixing their pain with power as their blood mingles fully with their chakra. Opening this gate assures the user's death shortly after which occurs after the gate time limit runs out however one can cling to life for the duration of the topic as long as they don't run out of fatigue. Exiting the topic, and running out of fatigue results in death that extra time mainly used to say some cool death quote and reminisce about life & being with Wolf before King dies. However due to the benefits this gate offers it makes the user into an unstoppable killing machine thus outweighing the eventual death of the user.

Body Replacement Technique


The Gate of Death, the final gate and the most powerful however it is likewise a death sentence for any who dare open it. King was brushing up on it in the jonin level library of Ibaragakure, the eight gates were a technique line which was well known however most stopped somewhere around the third gate while others the fifth before branching out into something else. Usually this was a last resort move and it was very rare to see those who actually would utilize it in combat as the drawbacks for the strength increase were ultimately why no one ever attempted to learn the final gate. This was because despite the power the forced release of one's chakra would always result in their death, but in actually the ability to train for it was just as dangerous as one mistake and the gate was actually opened resulting of course in the death of the one training it.

"The state of having all Eight Gates open is known as "Eight Gates Released Formation". Any shinobi who activates this state will temporarily gain powers a hundred times greater than their normal self, but will die because of the damage done to their body. There has only been one example of this in modern history as when Might Lee for a once thought unstoppable foe and ended up destroying his body to kill him and thus ensuring the protection of his village and thus the world from the threat. He had utilized two powerful techniques however it was the last one which accelerated the time limit at which he would perish, and it is said once he died his body literally turned into ash as he was literally cooked from the inside out by the release of his chakra.

King would flip the page before sighing and thinking back to how he had even come this far, he knew Wolf was ahead of him on this, it was no surprise that she already knew all the risks to the final gate and was taking steps to ensure that she would be ready to train it as well. It was for that reason King was doing some last minute reading but now, it was ultimately time to join her. He would close the scroll before checking out with the librarian with a small smile causing her to frown slightly and mouth the words be careful when she saw the title to the technique scroll he was reading. He would no quickly before walking out and setting off to the Hokkai training grounds where he would find Wolf standing alert and waiting for him. There would be no words spoken rather they would both head off deeper into the Hokkai Clan grounds where only the clan leaders and heirs were supposed to be before stopping and staring at each other. The key to understanding how to open the last of one's gates is by understanding one's body in the deepest level and it is for that reason that both of them would be present for this.

King would slip into a meditative pose before he would focus on nothing but his own body and remain like that until he lost consciousness instead sinking deeper into his mental state until he travelled past it into some would say the depths of his soul. Wolf was there as well using their instinctual bond to travel with him albeit being restricted to his body but her emotions of love and comfort travelled with him constantly reminding him that he needed to come back and not to push to far. It was within this state that he could see it, he could feel everything his chakra moving through his body, his heart beating while his brain organized everything and where one's soul was located within their body. He understood that the body was merely the house for the soul to exist and it was one's soul which provided them with the yin-yang balance of their chakra, the mind produced the yin while the body only provided the yang. Which was why those resurrection techniques which merely resurrected the corpse without the soul or the mind were woefully incomplete. It was this understanding that allowed him to see the gates for what they really were, they were locks set in place to tether the soul to one's body.

The reality was that chakra itself was the manifestation of the energy the soul naturally produces while in it's container, a soul naturally is free and not bound to anything as should anything full of life ever be. By opening one gate you are temporarily releasing a part of the soul which is why the physical body is both strengthened as means of thanks, while likewise being destroyed as it's container is setting it free. The more gates one opens the more thanks they receive however one is capable of releasing 7 before closing them again, it is the eighth, the last gate located on the heart, core or reactor core which provides the final binding to one's soul. Upon releasing that the process at which the soul finally becomes free is what grants the massive increase in one's power and once it is finally free it completely destroys it's container bursting free and leaving to travel back to it's original home. The revelation of this was startling and while King did believe in life after death it was only after this that he truly respected the divine beings which created the world and truly felt for the Bijuu whose spirit and body were one in the same. He understood that life in itself was a powerful force and what once thought as powerful taijutsu just with the label of kinjutsu were actually techniques which brought about the unshackling and eventual freedom of one's soul.

He would wake up from his meditative state to see Wolf staring at him causing him to reach out and touch her cheek before bringing his head close to hers so that their foreheads could touch. He would then convey everything he felt to her and likewise she would gain and understanding of exactly what he experienced beyond that of the emotions he felt. It was quick exchange and she would stare at him for a bit before they shared a kiss as she now truly understood the gravity of what she had made them both undertake. Beyond that she understood exactly what she was telling them to risk in the future.. King would get up before making hand seals now that he truly understood his body he could now afford to delve into manipulating his chakra as doing such would of warped his chakra coils making it impossible to proceed further with the opening and subsequent closing of gates. He would replace his body with a log before smiling causing wolf to snort in amusement as she herself was looking toward eventually utilizing chakra as well in the future once she had finished her own training.

He was finally done and he could now go and learn more of his Hokkai Clan techniques it would be of course worth it as now he could instruct his younger pack members Castus and Zaku in their training and delve more into being a shinobi, taijutsu would always remain his passion of course but now he had a little bit more to bring to the table, and for that he was actually grateful to Wolf for deciding to have them both pick up this technique. After all who knew when they would need something like this in a pinch.

Training Complete.
Word Count = 1266
Trained for:
Eight Gates of the King: Gate of Death: 1000 Words
Body Replacement Technique: 100 Words
Transformation Technique: 100 Words
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