Name: Spongy Basin Description: The Spongy Basin is named so due to the rubber like quality of the soaked ground around the Basin, this ground while water-logged ended up having the unique property of being springy when things land on it from heights, it is an odd factor which the local fauna have used to their advantage as depending on the size of things as well as the natural strength that they use to bounce and even the distance they fall from the follow up bounce is amplified by some level. Size - Bounce Distance Modifier Small - 6x Humanoid - 5x Medium - 4x Large - 3x Bijuu - 2x Colossus+ - 1x
Strength Used - Distance Bounced D - 20 C - 40 B - 60 A - 80 S - 100 SS - 120 SSS - 140
Height Fallen From - Additional Distance Bounced 50 ft - 40ft 100 ft - 80ft 200 ft - 120ft 400 ft - 160ft 800 ft - 200ft 1000 ft - 240ft 2000 ft+ - 280ft
With the first round of classes complete and the students already acclimated to life at the academy. The school has organized a field trip in order to give the students a taste of what …