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 Seraphial's Jutsu Listings

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Join date : 2013-04-06

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PostSubject: Seraphial's Jutsu Listings   Seraphial's Jutsu Listings Icon_minitime20th July 2013, 10:55 pm

Name: Bronze Sand
Classification: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Class: Supplementary
Range: Varies

Description: Turns the Iron Sand from the gourd into particles of bronze effectively turning the sand from iron into bronze for far more better attacks and protection. This is done through the Kekkei Genkai move Atomic Metal to alter the molecular structure. Has the ability to boost Pulse and Quake techniques by one rank. With it's sheen, it' reflects light and bounces it around.

Name: Drill Run
Classification: Ninjutsu
Rank: C-S (varies on ranking)
Class: Offensive
Range: Close-Long Range

Description: Turns the sand around him (be it iron or any other metal type of sand) into four drills (right now since he's a genin). These drills range from close to attack people nearby to the point that they can be shot off to strike enemies or things. Has Piercing abilities to strike through defense techniques that are at it's rank or below.

Name: Siren's Song (Signature)
Classification: Genjutsu/Kekkei Genkai
Rank: B
Class: Offensive
Range: Mid-Long Range

Description: This low level Genjutsu Signature move of Tennotsukai is a move which he lives up to his title and sings out. The song is a cover to what the real attack is which is a release of electromagnetic waves which if the enemy is caught in it, by listening, especially if close by, the opponent is either confused, paralyzed or sleeping. This is cause by his chakra nature. This technique also boosts the next genjutsu move by one stage.

Last edited by Seraphial on 31st August 2013, 8:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Age : 29

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PostSubject: Re: Seraphial's Jutsu Listings   Seraphial's Jutsu Listings Icon_minitime20th July 2013, 11:14 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Seraphial's Jutsu Listings   Seraphial's Jutsu Listings Icon_minitime31st August 2013, 8:43 pm

Name: Dance Party (Signature)
Classification: Ninjutsu
Rank: C-SS Rank
Class: Offensive
Range: Short-Mid Range

Description: This is a Jutsu that works with nature's own electromagnatic powers as well as the chakra that is in the body. Depending on the rank of the user (Seraphial since it's a signature move), the rank of the move will vary at that point. This ninjutsu uses the chakra and KG to manipulate the nature's force (electromagnetic force) around and releasing waves of electromagnetic force into the sky above into the clouds to make them like storm clouds, from the storm clouds beams of light are shot down with each movement (dance moment) made by the user. The blasts form the jutsu is able to deal damage equal to the rank and move one rank higher. Of course, this will have a cool down of seven posts.
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PostSubject: Re: Seraphial's Jutsu Listings   Seraphial's Jutsu Listings Icon_minitime31st August 2013, 8:57 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Seraphial's Jutsu Listings   Seraphial's Jutsu Listings Icon_minitime31st August 2013, 9:38 pm

Name: Take Flight
Classification: Ninjutsu
Rank: D-S Rank
Class: Supplementary
Range: Self

Description: With the use of the his kekkei genkai (Kaironokuma's KG), one is able to manipulate their electromagnetic forces in their body to match that of the surroundings to lift off the ground. Allows you to gain full on flight at speeds equal to your rank. It will cost chakra equal to rank of speed.
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PostSubject: Re: Seraphial's Jutsu Listings   Seraphial's Jutsu Listings Icon_minitime31st August 2013, 9:48 pm

Note: the cost will be per post your in the air using this to move about or hover. So try not to use it too often in succession. Approved
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PostSubject: Re: Seraphial's Jutsu Listings   Seraphial's Jutsu Listings Icon_minitime

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